There are certain signs and oddities that remind me I’m in Lesotho, and make America seem like a distant dream-like world. Here are just a few:
-Towels are actually very nice skirts to wear around the village,
-Calamine lotion is used as a face-mask and sunblock in one.
-It takes over an hour to get a plate in the “fast food” hut.
-Why carry a small Tupperware container when you can carry it on your head? Suitcases too.
-A woman wearing gum boots is laughable, but fuzzy toe socks with flip-flops is very nice.
-KFC is fine dining, people will do almost anything for a piece of that special recipe chicken.
-A mouse, donkey, chicken intestine – if it’s meat my family will roast it up and eat it.
-MSG is a delicious spice, sprinkled on the top of any dish.
-Previous homework is actually free toilet paper, math seems to be the most popular in my family.
-Dogs are used for protection and definitely are not your best friend. Cows perhaps.
While these things may appear strange and often comical to me, I am sure that there is a much longer list the Basotho in my village could write about me. And yet, regardless of my oddities or accidental faux-pas, I am constantly greeted, accepted and loved by these remarkably friendly people.